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Message to Mailhub Users

We are grateful for the queries from Mailhub users. To assist with a speedy response on the most commonly asked questions, we are providing the following information:

The current version of EFA already runs on Big Sur

We aim to release EFA 4.0 as a Big Sur native binary in January

EFA 4.0 will support a version of file-after-sent to co-file conversations that go across the inbox and sent items

EFA already runs on Apple Silicon (M1) via Rosetta II and we aim to release a universal binary of EFA after some more technical work on our side, but expect this to happen together with the EFA 4.0 release. 

If you have any further questions, comments or feedback, please contact us via the form below. EFA has a long and productive tradition of listening to customer feedback, and many of its current features are the result of customer input. 


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